Web Policy

KMTA Website Inclusion and Membership Status

The KMTA website is a publicity medium for member teachers. Since site inclusion is a “return on investment” for membership in KMTA, only active KMTA/MTNA members who are current in their dues payments will be listed on the site’s “Find a Music Teacher” page.

Annual membership dues are due on June 30 of each year. The website will be updated as of the first KMTA meeting of the academic year (usually the second Friday in September) to include only members who have remitted their annual dues for that year. After this date, members may notify the webmaster when they have paid their dues, by forwarding their confirmation email from MTNA. At that time their listing on the “Find a Music Teacher” page will be created (for new members) or reinstated (for renewing members).

The webmaster will work closely with the Treasurer and the Membership board officer to add teacher listings as memberships are confirmed. It can take several weeks for membership notifications to make it to our chapter from MTNA, so please contact us directly to alert us to your membership status. Contact the webmaster (see Officers – Technology Chair) to provide your location, preferred contact information and website link, if any.

Helpful ideas for KMTA teachers wishing to create individual studio websites is provided here.