Association Partners

The KMTA Association Partner program facilitates the integration of new members into the association for the mutual benefit of the new member and the association.

Teachers Currently Serving as Association Partners Are:
• Florian, Debra: Piano
• Hennings, Megan: Piano
• Melin, Jane: Strings
• Johnston, Dianne: Piano
• Kurtzbein, Melanie: Non-keyboard
• Ray, Patti: Piano
• Richardson, Joann: Association Partner Coordinator; Piano and Organ
• Seely, Krista: Piano
• Stroud, Melanie: Piano and Voice

Contact information can be found on the Find a Teacher page.

Program Details:

In order to be a KMTA Association Partner, the teacher must:
1. have been a member of KMTA for five (5) years or more
2. be an active member of KMTA as demonstrated by fulfilling at least two of the following criteria:
1. Attend two (2) or more KMTA chapter meetings during the current season
2. Serve at one or more KMTA sponsored events during the current season
3. Serve on one or more KMTA, WSMTA, or MTNA committees during the current season
4. Serve as an elected officer for KMTA, WSMTA, or MTNA
5. Provide other evidence of active involvement in the organization

Expectations of KMTA Association Partner
KMTA Association Partners must be willing to:
1. initiate contact on a monthly basis with the assigned new member partner in order to
1. to answer questions and provide assistance with any procedures that may be required for participation in activities of the association.
2. invite the new member to the monthly meeting
2. determine why the new member joined KMTA and assist the new member in finding activities that will most benefit the new member’s purposes
3. introduce the new member to other KMTA members at meetings and events
4. encourage active participation of the new member in the association
5. commit to a one-year term as a KMTA Association Partner.
1. Term will automatically renew until the association partner informs KMTA that he/she no longer wishes to serve.

1. Will new members automatically be assigned a KMTA Association Partner? —  Yes.
2. What if the new member doesn’t want to have a KMTA Association Partner?  —  Although all new members will automatically be assigned an association partner, if the new member indicates that he/she would prefer not to have an association partner, the assignment will be terminated. KMTA Association partners can determine this when they make their first contact with the new member.
3. Are KMTA Association Partners expected to mentor the new member on aspects of teaching?  —  No. The purpose of the KMTA Association Partner program is to facilitate the integration of new members into the association for the mutual benefit of the new member and the association.
4. What if the new member wants to discuss teaching with the KMTA Association Partner?  —  An independent teacher may choose, or choose not, to share teaching ideas with anyone. However, KMTA provides a specific teaching mentorship program of certified, experienced teachers (the KMTA Teaching Mentors) who are available as a resource for teaching and studio management issues.
5. Will KMTA Association Partners receive reminders to contact the new members every month?  —  No. KMTA Association Partners should put reminders on their personal calendars. Contact can be as simple as an email, text message, or phone call asking if there are any questions and reminding of any upcoming meetings and events.